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English (12th): About the Author, Summary, Objective Questions and Explain of (Chapter :-07) Macavity: The mystery Cat



★ Born on :— 26 September 1888 St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A
★ Died on :— 4 January 1965 (aged:-76)
London, England
★ Father :— Henry Ware Eliot ( He was a business man.)
★ Mother:— Charlotte Champe Stearns
★ Education:—Harvard University (AB, AM,PhD candidate) Merton College, Oxford
★ Citizen :— American from1888 to1927 England from 1927 to 1965
★ T.S Eliot left America (U.S.A) in 1914 at the age of 25 and settled in England.
★ He became a British citizenship in 1927 at the age of 39.
★ His notable/Famous works:— 
(1) The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock (1915)
(2) The Waste Land (1922)
(3)The Hollow Men (1925) 
(4) Ash Wednesday (1930), and 
(5)Four Quartets (1943).
★ T.S Eliot was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1948.
★ He was a British Essayist, Playwright, publisher, Literature and Social critic.
★ T.S Eliot was one of the greatest poet of 20th Century.
★ Macavity, The Mystery Cat is taken from his collection Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats.


Macavity, The Mystery Cat is a Commical poem.This poem has been composed by T.S Eliot. He is known as Essayist, Playwright, Publisher and Social critic. He was one of the greatest poet of 20th century.
                           In this present poem, The poet explains the namely cat macavity. He says that macavity is a master mind criminal. He has hundred tricks to commit crime. He has no clue behind its crime. So, it is called hidden paw. When the macavity commits crime. He does not live that place of crime. The power of levitation can make a fakir stare. Macavity is is Ginger cat. His, eyes are sunken and his whiskers are uncomed. He can challenge the law. We can find/see him in a street and kitchen room. But, When the commits crime. He does not live the scence of crime.
                           At last,
                                        The poet compares the macavity to Napoleon police.

Multiple Choice Questions

1) Macavity, the mystery cat is.......
(A) a comical poem✔️ (B) a visionary poem 
(C)a war poem (D) a natural poem

2) Macavity is........
(A) a dog (B) a Spy 
(C) a Cat✔️ (D) none of these

3) T.S Eliot was born in..........
(A)1887 (B)1886
(C)1885 (D)1888✔️

4) T.S Eliot was died in............
(A)1964 (B)1965✔️
(C)1963 (D)1988

5) T.S Eliot left U.S.A in........
(A)1914✔️ (B)1916
(C)1917 (D)1927

6) Who was composed the poem "Macavity,the mystery cat"?
(A)D.H Lawrence (B)Walt Whitman
(C) John Donne (D)T.S Eliot ✔️

7) .......... is a ginger cat.
(A)Ramavity (B) Macavity ✔️
(C) Supervity (D)amanvity

8) T.S Eliot left U.S.A in 1914 and settled in ............
(A) Japan (B) Russia
(C) India (D) England ✔️

9) T.S Eliot written ...........
(A) Snake (B) Macavity, the mystery cat✔️
(C) The Soldier (D)Ode to autumn

10) Macavity is ...........
(A)The exposed paw (B)the naughty paw
(C) The hidden paw ✔️ (D) None of these

11) T.S Eliot got noble prize for literature in .................
(A)1948✔️ (B)1946
(C)1945 (D)1943

12) Macavity can defy/challenge ..........
(A)The flood (B)The Cat✔️
(C)The Goat (D)Man

13) T.S Eliot was the poet of .............
(A)19th Century (B)15th Century
(C)10th Century (D)20th Century✔️

14) .............. is a master mind criminal.
(A) Macavity ✔️ (B)Tiger
(C)Lion (D)Cow

15) Four Quartets is written by .............
(A)H.F Bates (B)Mahoar Malgaonkar
(C)Dr. Zakir Husain (D)T.S Eliot✔️

16) The waste land is written by ..............
(A)T.S Eliot (B)Mathma Gandhi
(C)H.F Bates (D)Dr. Radha Krishna

17) Name the two works ( रचना )/Creation of T.S Eliot.
(A)Ash Wednesday✔️
(B)The Westland✔️

18)The Notable/famous works of T.S Eliot
(A)Ash Wednesday (B)The Westland
(C)Four Quartets (D)Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats (E)All✔️

19) Macavity,the mystery cat is taken from ............
(A)Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats✔️ (B) Four Quartets
(C)The Westland (D)Ash Wednesday

20) The poet compares Macavity to .............
(A)Hitler (B) Napoleon police✔️
(C)Lion (D) Donkey

21) The line "He broken every human law" has been taken from ...............
(A)The Solider (B)Song of my self
(C)ode to autumn (D) Macavity,the mystery cat✔️

22) The line "Macavity's the power of levitation would make a fakir stare" has been taken from the poem ..................
(A)The Solider (B)Song of my self
(C)ode to autumn (D) Macavity,the mystery cat✔️

23) Macavity's the power power of levitation would make a ............. stare.
(A)Saint (B)Devil
(C) Fakir✔️ (D)None of these

24) Macavity moves like .............
(A)Lion (B)Camel
(C)Snake✔️ (D) None of these

25) Mungojerrie and Griddle bone are both .............
(A)Cats✔️ (B)Dogs
(C)Lion (D)Goat


Q. 1) Macavity's a mystery cat, he's called the hidden paw.
For he's the master criminal who can defy the law.
Ans:—These lines has been taken from the poem "Macavity, the Mystery Cat" written by T.S Eliot. He was one of the greatest poet of 20th century.
                       In this present line,
                       The poet says that macavity is a master mind criminal. He has hundred tricks to commit crime. He has no clue behind its crime. He can challenge the law. It is called hidden paw.

Q. 2) He's broken every human law, he breaks the law of gravity. 
His power of levitation would make a Fakir stare.
Ans:—These lines has been taken from the poem "Macavity, the Mystery Cat" written by T.S Eliot. He was one of the greatest poet of 20th century.
                       In this present line,
                       The poet says that the power of levitation can make a fakir stare. He says that macavity has broken every human law.

Q. 3) You may meet him in by-street, you may seek him in the square.
But when a crime's discovered, then macavity's not there!

Ans:—These lines has been taken from the poem "Macavity, the Mystery Cat" written by T.S Eliot. He was one of the greatest poet of 20th century.
                       In this present line,
                                              The poet says that we can find in the street, square and kitchen room. But, When macavity commits crime and crime's is discovered. Macavity does not live the scene of crime.

Q. 4) I might mention Mungojerrie, I might mention Griddle bone arere nothing more than agents for the cat who all the time.
Just controls their operation the Napoleon of crime!
Ans:—These lines has been taken from the poem "Macavity, the Mystery Cat" written by T.S Eliot. He was one of the greatest poet of 20th century.
                       In this present line,
                       The poet says that Mungojerrie and Griddle bone both are cats. Macavity is the agent of all wicked cats. The poet compares macavity to Napoleon Police.

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