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English(12th): About the author, SUMMARY and Objective questions( A PINCH OF SNUFF) Chapter-03 Class 12th

About the author and SUMMARY (A PINCH OF SNUFF)


About the author:— 

★ A Pinch of Snuff is a short story/comedy story.
★ Born in :— 1913 
★ Died in in :— 2010 
★ Manohar Malgaonkar was an Indian author of both fiction and non-fiction in the English language. 
★ He was a short story writer/novelist. 
Manohar Malgaonkar belonged to royal family. 
★ His maternal grandfather has the governor of Gwalior state.
★ He was an army officer, civil servant a mine honour and farmer.
★ Manohar Malgaonkar began his study Belgaum. 
★ He graduated from Mumbai University. 
★ He joined the army the rank of Lieutenant Colonel of Maratha light infantry. 
★ His famous works (1) Distant Drum (1960) (2)The Princes (1963)  (3) A Bend in the Ganges (1964) and  (4) Bombay Beware (1975)
★ A Pinch of Snuff is taken for contemporary Indian short stories in English. 
★ Role
Main character/actor:— NanuKaka 
Other character/supporting actor:—  Narrator 
Hazrat Barkat Ali 
Welfare Minister


A Pinch of Snuff is a commical story. This story has been written by Manohar Malgaonkar was an Indian writer. He is well known for his story writer and novelist.
                         In, this story, The writer explains his maternal uncle Nanukaka. He always tells alie and cheats other in his way. He wears Jodhpuri coat, red silk turban and royal shoes. He comes to Delhi to meet a minister. He travels second class carriage at third class ticket. He manages this problem easily. NanuKaka wanted to meet Sohanlal who is a very powerful politician. He speaks so high of him. Sohanlal to meet him NanuKaka wanted to meet the welfare minister. He did not get the appointment to meet a minister. He thinks of a plan to see a minister. He cheats motor car dealar and takes a royal car to serve his evil purpose. He succeeds in doing so. The minister himself comes to meet him at residance. At last, 
                           This story is full of fun.


'A Pinch of Snuff' has been written by Manohhar Malgaonkar. He was born in India (Bombay) in 1913. He is well known novelist & short story writer. He was a great writer. This story is full of wit of wit & adventure. 
                          In this story, the author shows the wit of Nanukaka. One day, Nanukaka comes to the author house to meet a welfare minister in Delhi for 2 or 3 days. Nanukaka is maternal uncle of Manohar Malgaonkar. He is a very wise & intelligent person. He often takes a pinc of snuff. Nanukaka & the author start trying to meet the welfare minister but they couldn't meet. One day they accidently meet Ratiram who is the son of Sohan Lal Ratiram. They take a splendid car by trapping a dhobi & the manager of sikha Auto Dealers. Nanukaka sings a thousand rupee cheque but gives only two rupee note to Dhobi. In visiter's book, he writes himself as a hereditary astrologer (pundit) to the Maharaja of Ninnore named Sutkatta. 
                                 At last, the welfare minister himself comes to Nanukaka to meet him. The author couldn't understand why ? Nanukaka wanted to meet the minister.


" A Pinch of Snuff " मनोहर मालगाओनकर के द्वारा लिखा गया है । उनका जन्म 1913 ई ० को भारत ( बम्बई ) में हुआ था । वे एक जाने - माने उपन्यासकार तथा कहानीकार है । यह कहानी बुद्धि और जोखिम से भरा है।
               इस कहानी से लेखक ने नानुकाका के बुद्धि को दिखाया है । एक दिन नानुकाका लेखक के घर दिल्ली में 2 या 3 दिनों के लिए लोक कल्याण मंत्री से मिलने आते हैं । नानुकाका मनोहर के मामा हैं । वे एक बुद्धिमान और तेज व्यक्ति है । वे अक्सर एक चुटकी खैनी खाते हैं । वे लोग मंत्री से मिलने की कोशिश करने लगते हैं । लेकिन वो लोग मिल नहीं पाते हैं । एक दिन वे अचानक रतिराम जो सोहनलाल रतिराम का बेटा है से मिलते हैं । रतिराम उनलोगों को अपने कार्यालय में बुलाता है । वे लोग सिका ऑटो डिलर्स के मैनेजर तथा धोबी को फसाकर वहाँ से एक शानदार कार ले लेते हैं । नानुकाका 1000 रु ० का चेक हस्ताक्षर करते हैं , पर धोबी को सिर्फ 2 रु ० देते हैं । रतिराम के मदद से वे लोग कल्याण मंत्री के office के आगंतुक पुस्तिका में , वे स्वयं को सुतकाता नामक नैनोर के महाराजा के पैतृक पंडित बताते है।
                        अन्नतः कल्याण मंत्री स्वयं नानुकाका के पास उनसे मिलने जाते हैं । इसके बाद वो चले जाते हैं । लेखक नहीं समझ पाते हैं 'क्यों नानुकाका उस मंत्री से मिलता चाहते थे' ।


Q. 1) A Pinch of Snuff is ...........
(A) a romantic story (B) a commedy story✔️
(C) visionary story (D) None of these

Q. 2) NanuKaka was narrator's ............. Uncle.
(A) uncle (B) Father
(C) step-father (D) Matternal✔️

Q. 3) Rati ram is son of ...............
(A) Manohar Malgaonkar (B) Hazrat Barkat Ali
(C) NanuKaka (D) Sohan lal✔️

Q. 4) NanuKaka was coming to Delhi ..........
(A) to see some minister✔️ (B) to an actor
(C) to see a scientist (D) none of these

Q.5) NanuKaka took his cheque and wrote for ........... and it gave to washerman.
(A) five thousand rupees (B) one of thousand rupees✔️
(C) Four Thousand rupees (D) ten thousand rupees

Q.6) .......... Opened his snuff box and had a pinch of it?
(A) Sohanlal (B) NanuKaka✔️
(C) NanuKaka (D) none of these

Q. 7) NanuKaka went to meet a minister in the ..................
(A) South block (B) East block
(C) West block (D) North block✔️

Q. 8) NanuKaka handed over a cheque of a thousand rupees to ............
(A) Barbar (B) Plumber
(C) Singer (D) Dhobi✔️

Q. 9) NanuKaka had tied a huge ............ turban round his head.
(A) Purple (B) Yellow
(C) Orange✔️ (D) White

Q. 10) Who has/had a garnish yellow sport car ?
(A) Sohanlal (B) Rati Ram✔️
(C) Hazrat Barkat Ali (D) welfare minister

Q. 11) NanuKaka went to ........ Auto dealers.
(A) Prem (B) Aman
(C) Sikka✔️ (D) Praveen

Q. 12) There is nothing like honesty said by .................
(A) NanuKaka✔️ (B) narrator
(C) Welfare minister (D) None of these

Q. 13) Distant Drum is written by ..........
(A) Mahatma Gandhi (B) Manohar Malgaonkar✔️
(C) Dr. Zakir Husain (D) None of these

Q. 14) Choose the two works of Manohar Malgaonkar.
(A) Bombay Beware (B) The Princes
(C) Both (A) and (B)✔️ (D) none of these

Q.15) The Princes and A bend in Ganges are written by ................
(A) Manohar Malgaonkar✔️ (B) Mahatma Gandhi
(C) Dr. Zakir Husain (D) None of these

Q. 16) A pinch of snuff is taken by .............
(A) Bombay Beware (B) the princes
(C) A bend in the Ganges (D) Contemporary Indian short stories in English✔️

Q. 17) Sohanlal was the party boss in ..........
(A) Delhi✔️ (B) Mumbai
(C) Bihar (D) Kanpur

Q. 18) NanuKaka wrote a cheque for a ............... rupees.
(A) One thousand✔️ (B) five thousand
(C) two thousand (D) four thousand

Q. 19) Who took a Pinch of Snuff?
(A) Sohan lal (B) Narrator
(C) NanuKaka✔️ (D) Welfare minister

Q. 20) NanuKaka managed to travel in 2nd class on a ticket of ................
(A) General class (B) 2nd class
(C) 1st class (D) sleeper class

Q. 21) Manohar Malgaonkar is well known for his ................
(A) drama (B) Short story and novelist✔️
(C) poet (D) none of these

Q. 22) NanuKaka had a unique quality of telling ...............
(A) Truth (B) Poem
(C) lies✔️ (D) none of these

Q. 23) NanuKaka's Snuff box was of .......

(A) Silver✔️ (B) Copper
(C) gold (D) plastic

Q. 24) ................ Is the main character of A pinch of snuff.
(A) Welfare minister (B) ratiram
(C) Narrator (D) NanuKaka✔️

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