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English (12th): The Earth || H. E. Bates || About The Author And Summary || Chapter:- 09(Prose) Rainbow Part-2

The Earth 


By:- H. E. BATES(1905-1974)

(Herbert Ernest Bates)

 About The Author

★ Born in :- 16 May 1905
★ Died in :- 29 January 1974
★ He belonged to England.
★ He was born at Northampton in central England.
★ He was Died in Kent,England.
★ H. E. Bates worked for same as Journalist.
★ His first noble was published when he was 21 years old.
★ His important works include :-
Fair Stood the Wind for France (1944)
The Purple Plain (1947)
The Jacaranda Tree (1949)
The Scarlet Sword (1951)
The Darling Buds of May (1958)
★ He was well  acquainted the English Countryside.
★ The Peasant story 'The Earth' is based on a peasant and son.
★ The Peasant name was Johnson and his son name Benjy.


The Earth ia a lovely story. This story has been written by H. E. Bates. He is Known as a great Author.
                In this present story, The author describes the story of farmer. There was a farmer. His name was Johnson. He was poor farmer. He had a plough, mare and two cart to field. Johnson was a lazy farmer. Who depends on luck. He had only son. His name was Benjy. He was a simple-minded boy. His parents always worry about his son. He consults a doctor. The doctor advise him to do business. He suggest to keep hands to grow mind. Benjy works hard and becomes a rich man of his area. He marries A girl named Florence. He marries against the wishes of his parents. One day, Benjy told his parent to vacant the house.
    At last, Benjy left his parents on the pavement.


All that the Johnson was the earth-very.often it seemed as if it were all they had ever had.
      It was true that they also had possessions a plough, a two-wheeled cart, tools, a bony brown mare which slowly dragged the plough and the cart about their rough four-acre plot but without the earth these things were useless. It was ture that they also had a son. 
       It was more than thirty years since the Johnson's, realising that he was not quite like others, had taken Benjy to a doctor. This doctor had persuaded them that he needed interests that would strengthen his mind. It would be good if they gave him something to do, some occupation, which would help his development. It would help a great deal if they gave him a special interest to feed him sense of responsibility, you are. people on the land, the doctor said, let him keep hens.
       So for many years Benjy had kept hens, and what the earth was to him mother and father the hens were to Benjy they were almost all he had. When he came from school, cut off by his simplicity form other children, Benjy went straight home to his hens, which He kept in a wire coop that his father had made at the back of the house. At first he kept Ten or a dozen hens, all colours and breeds, brown and specked and black and white, and the coop was small. He fed the hens simply, on scraps from the table, seeded cabbages strung from the write, a little maize, and on corn-ears which be gleand in the late summer from his father a ocre of stuble. It is possible that a hen, being a simple creature thrives best on simple treatment. Benjy understood the First as last thing about a hen. That it exists for nor had it become highly complicated and commercialized. Eggs were cheap, hens mysteriously pecked Nourishment off the bore earth. They sat in a home-made Nesting-box, on straw, and Laid the eggs expected of then.


The story "The Earth" has been written by H.E. Bates. This story is the life sketch of a farmer Johnson and his son, Benjy. The author has beautifully presented the reality of what happens in most of the families in present day life. It starts from the family consisting of Mr. Johnson, a farmer, his wife and his only affectionate son Benjy. Benjy appears to be a simple minded person. The story very well depicts the laziness of the parents. It also throws light on the growing selfishness and cunningness of their simple-minded son, who finally drives them away from their home.
              Johnson is a farmer, who has no land of his own. He has obtained about four acre of plot on lease for cultivation helping him in meeting family's expenditure. Benjy is mentally underdeveloped. His father goes to a doctor for consultation who advises Johnson to get his son engaged in some business, preferrably in poultry business. Accordingly, Benjy is engaged in that business. The income out of the sell of hen's egg is deposited in the bank in Benjy's name. When Benjy becomes twenty one year old his father hands over the amount deposited with the bank to Benjy. By the Benjy's pass-book showed a balance of Rs two hundred thirty pound. Benjy purchases some land of Mr. Witmore from that money and expands his poultry business on the land purchased. He becomes a rich man of his area within few years. He marries Florence, working in his poultry farm against his parent's will. Then there comes a change in his attitude towards his parents. At first he directs his parents to shift to a smaller room of the house. After sometime he stops joint kitchen arrangement and leaves his parents isolated. Afterwards finally he flatly directs his parents to shift from his house and to settle themselves somewhere else. Not only this, he personally drives them away from their home by his car. 
              Thus the story is a true description of wrong dealings and behaviours of a son with his parents, that happens at present.

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